By Kate Andersen Brower
July 2 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama praised innovative energy companies for creating jobs on a day of “sobering news” that employers shed 467,000 jobs in June.
“It took years for us to get into this mess, and it’s going to take us more than a few months to turn it around,” Obama said in a Rose Garden appearance after meeting with energy business leaders.
“These are folks whose companies are helping to lead the transformation towards a clean-energy future,” Obama said.
Among the leaders were chief executive officers John Berger of Standard Renewable Energy Group, Stephanie Burns Dow Corning and Amit Chatterjee of Hara Software, as well as FPL Group Inc. President and Chief Operating Officer Jim Robo, the White House said.
“The CEOs here told me that they’re looking to hire new people, in some cases to double or even triple in size over the next few years,” Obama said.
To contact the reporter on this story: Kate Andersen Brower in Washington at kandersen7@bloomberg.net
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