Google Voice, formerly known as GrandCentral, works like a personal switchboard so calls made to your personal "number for life" rings on all your phones -- home, office, mobile, whatever you set up. The problem is, calling out on those phones will bring up the caller ID for that line, not your Google Voice number, so returned calls only ring one line. These apps solve that problem, and more.
TechCrunch reports that the Android version of the app will literally take over the native dialer on the phone, so all outgoing calls will appear to come from the Google Voice number, even when returning a call. The Blackberry app is not quite as tightly integrated, but still allows the outbound call to appear in Caller ID as from your Google Voice. Google Voice also supports sending free text messages, and that should be available here too, letting you avoid SMS charges from the carrier. Also look for placing calls inexpensively using VoIP service call-back, listening to voice mail, and reading Google Voice's transcriptions of same, all will be on the handsets.
This software does not appear to be headed for the iPhone yet, but Google says it is working on it with Apple. Third party iPhone apps like GV Mobile at least let you make calls out.
iPhone users have to wait for Apple approval of the app Google is steadily rolling out all sorts of new products and offerings and is doing well at turning itself from a search firm to a company that competes with Microsoft on many levels from software to email. Google also says it is working with Apple now to bring the application to the iPhone.
Google has been talking up its Chrome OS over the last few weeks and is set to combat Microsoft's Windows for market share in the netbook category. Google is also looking to fight a battle on the VOIP front against Skype with its Google Voice service. Google Voice is gaining some much-desired features, at least for Android users and Blackberry owners.
A new Google Voice application is available for the two platforms that adds features to make Google Voice more usable. The app allows users to make calls using their Google Voice number directly from their mobile phones. The call receiver will see the Google Voice number rather than the caller's mobile number. Any text messages sent will also be from the users Google Voice number.
The New York Times reports that before the new app was available, the only way for users to place calls from their Google Voice number was to type the numbers they wanted to call in rather than accessing the numbers from a contact list. The app will also allow users to access voice mail and view message transcripts.
The transcripts can also be read in a "karaoke style" with the apps highlighting the words being read. Only users that currently have a Google Voice number will be able to take advantage of the slick new applications. Google still says that it will offer the Voice service to more users and is currently working through a backlog of Google Voice requests.
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